Design Style, do I have one? Not unless you count clutter as a design style and judging by the state of my bedroom, yeah I have one. I’m not a minimalist. I have a lot of stuff. My bedroom, for examples, serves as both as a place to sleep and an office. It’s littered with grad school text books, stacks of paper and a desk that is so overrun with office supplies and paraphernalia that there is no space for my computer. (The computer has a permanent spot on my bed.) Naturally, I am embarrassed about this. I would rather have a more sophisticated look for the bedroom. But I’m feeling overwhelmed to begin the sorting, shredding process.
I never expected to still be in this space. This was going to be my temporary home. The plan was to buy and move into my first home before August, but as I have been blogging over the last few weeks, I have not yet received mortgage commitment from HSBC. Frustrating yes, but made worst by the space being so cluttered. I don’t feel like my home, in the words of Oprah Winfrey, “rises up to meet me”. I feel out of control. I’m not a hoarder, but I definitely have hoarding potential. When company comes over, I would store the clutter under my bed or in the already overstuff closet. The closet, for a lack of a better word, is a mess. I have clothing in there that I haven’t worn in months, even years. Then there are clothes with the tags still on them. Wasteful, I know. I even forget ever purchasing some of this stuff.
Is this how I want to live when I move into
my first home, no. I have resolved to
de-clutter the space this week, clearing most of the clutter from my, desk,
closet and under the bed. I’ve started organizing, but as you can probably
imagine, it’s been very emotional. I’ve been watching YouTube videos on
organizing and in theory it should be easy to throw away “bits of paper”. But
in actuality, some of the “bits of paper” have sentimental values. They
represent a particular time, place or person in my life. I’m less sentimental
about the clothing with tags. I will update you on my de-cluttering progress.
Has anyone else struggled with organizing their space, or have tips and ideas about de-cluttering please share and leave a comment .
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