I have made much progress on my de-cluttering plan from last
week. Of course there were some minor setbacks when I got some bad news from the
mortgage lender and I wasn’t able to concentrate on clearing the space. There were lesson learned during this process
too. One of those being that my bedroom is a lived in space. It’s not perfect.
I need to keep it to a level that I will be able to maintain it. I realized that I need to make a concentrated
effort every day to minimize clutter. It's ongoing. If I move something I need to put it back
in its original place.
I wanted to share my progress so far.
I wanted to share my progress so far.

desk before
desk after
I was
able to organize my desk but most of my desk clutter just needed to be
rearranged. Nothing major here, though it looked atrocious in the original
photos. I think it looks better in the after photos. (And there are no clothing on the floor.)
I had already spoken about how emotional it
was to get rid of old pieces of paper because some of them had sentimental value.
But I realize that it got easier as I carried on clearing out items. I shredded
and threw away a lot of paper.
bed before
bed after
I think the bedroom looks great now. I've also sleep a lot easier now since there is less stuff in the room.
The gray trellis stenciled wall really accentuates the bedspread and red comforter.
I created a charity bag of clothing which I will continue to fill, once I tackle the clothing in the next few weeks. I hope you check back in the week to see the continued progress.
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